Interview in PM Magazine (in German)
German Tech and Science PM Magazine published an interview with Markus Schmidt from Biofaction about the future of the human body. The interview covered synthetic life, neurotechnologies and artificial intelligence. Read the article here (in German).
Geopolitics and Global Futures Symposium
Biofaction's CEO Dr. Markus Schmidt was invited to teach at the 20th October at the Geopolitics and Global Futures Symposium 2022, organized by the Geneva Centre for Security Policy. The overall topic was Transformative Technologies and Security where Dr. Schmidt gave...
The BIO·FICTION Science Art Film Festival Tour had a stop over in Berlin, September 2, 2022. The Tour Event was embedded in the meeting: The Future of the Technological Human Body in Light of Its Present & Past at TU Berlin. ScheduleFUTUREBODY: The...
Human augmentation at OECD
Markus Schmidt from Biofaction was invited as a guest speaker at the OECD workshop titled "Human augmentation: a challenge for governance?" The workshop was part of the 15th Session of the working party on Biotechnology, Nanotechnology and Converging Technologies in...
Training Course for PhD students
Biofaction was invited by the Marie Curie ITN Training School PERICO April 26-28, 2022, in Berlin at Lifeglimmer, to train 15 ITN Early Stage Researchers. This was the last of a series of transferable skills training courses where PhD students learned about career...
Publication in Nature Communications
Lei Pei and Markus Schmidt from Biofaction, together with Michele Garfinkel from EMBO, recently published a paper in Nature Communications titled Bottlenecks and opportunities for synthetic biology biosafety standards. The article is open access:...
Traces of Fluorine and Dryland Projections
We are excited to be exhibiting once again at Museon, a museum of science and culture based in The Hague (the Netherlands)! Within their permanent "One Planet" exhibition we had the opportunity to create two new installations, each of them connected to one of our...
SinFonia Infographics
We created a new set of infographics for SinFonia, our EC funded research project to produce fluoropolymers in a biological way. The informative slides explain the project's aims, methods and background in a simple and understandable way. Have a look at the whole...
Interview about Neurotechnology in Berliner Zeitung
Berliner Zeitung interviewed Markus Schmidt about Neurotechnology and our ongoing FWF funded project Futurebody. Schmidt shared his views on the future of the human body and explained how humans will continue to merge with...
Grüner Wasserstoff aus Sonnenlicht und Wasser? Neue Materialien für die künstliche Photosynthese
Nach dem Vorbild der Natur erforscht der Sonderforschungsbereich CataLight, wie man die Energie aus dem Sonnenlicht speichern und z.B. für die Erzeugung von solaren Treibstoffen nutzen kann. Ziel der Forscherinnen und Forscher ist es, eine künstliche Membran...
Music from DNA: Creating a SinFonia inside a bacterial cell
PRESS RELEASE If you could listen to the DNA in your genes, how would it sound like? This question stood at the beginning of the groundbreaking collaboration between a musical composer and a microbiologist, and the answer to that question is now online and available...
Life in the Body of the Future
In a recent article of the science magazine Scilog the project FUTUREBODY was presented as the “project of the week”. "Connected brains, mood changes at the touch of a button, digital selves are discussed in an interview with Biofaction’s Markus Schmidt as his...