Synthetic Biology Gets Inspiration from the Sea

Synthetic Biology Gets Inspiration from the Sea

by Olga Radchuck and Markus Schmidt (Biofaction, Austria) published on June 23, 2015. A solution for the problem of antibiotic resistance, threatening public health, may come from an unexpected source. Marine sponges, for a long time regarded as a source of a...

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Unlocking marine biotechnology

Unlocking marine biotechnology

By Markus Schmidt published on on 22.06.2015 Although marine organisms are known as a source of bioactive compounds with pharmaceutical applications such as antibiotics, antivirals, analgetics, immunomodulatory-, antitumor-, anti-inflammatory-,...

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INTERVIEW Oron Catts/Markus Schmidt

INTERVIEW Oron Catts/Markus Schmidt

Read below interview that Andi Gracie conducted with Markus Schmidt and Oron Catts about Synthetic Biology during MAKING_Life: What does the term ‘synthetic biology’ mean to you? How is it different from ‘traditional’ bio-engineering? Markus: Of all the definitions...

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BIO·FICTION on Tour in Helsinki

BIO·FICTION on Tour in Helsinki

BIO·FICTION on Tour's latest stop was Lasipalatsi Näyttely in Helsinki at the end of May 2015. Besides an exhibition including artifacts of artistic approaches to synthetic biology a selection of videos from the second BIO·FICTION Science Art Film Festival was...

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Starbeasts at Making Life

Starbeasts at Making Life

Making_Life Exhibition The exhibition took place in Helsinki, Finland, at Lasipalatsi Näyttely and presented artistic responses and prototypes as a first result of Making_Life. Five different groups composed from the workshop participants tested approaches for...

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Bacteria, Art and other Incommodities

Bacteria, Art and other Incommodities

Biofaction's Markus Schmidt will be holding a talk in Copenhagen on the 15th of May 2015; Bacteria, Art and other Incommodities: Bacteria in Art, Sciences and Humanities An interdisciplinary conference in cooperation with Department of Arts and Cultural Studies,...

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Biofaction at Keysynbio

Biofaction at Keysynbio

Biofaction's Dr. Lei Pei will be holding a talk titled 'Xenobiological Approaches to Improve Biocontainment' during Keysynbio (Perspectives and Key Issues in Synthetic Biology: Opportunities, Risks and Policies) in  June. Keysynbio as part of the SYNERGENE project....

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Thanks to our collaborator from Taiwan Bioart, we are happy to announce several BIO·FICTION events all over Taiwan in the coming months. The first confirmed  schedule will be April 25th at HuaShan with Changee's event. PanSci will have the event a July 11th . We will...

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On Thursday 9. April 2015, our collaborator Khoj International Artists' Association will host BIO·FICTION@New Delhi, bringing the film festival for the first time to India From 17:00 - 21:00 there will be the screening of BIO∙FICTION Short Film + Discussion with Jaden...

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