Jun 1, 2021 | Film & Video, Media, News, science, Science Communication, Synthetic Biology
Nach dem Vorbild der Natur erforscht der Sonderforschungsbereich CataLight, wie man die Energie aus dem Sonnenlicht speichern und z.B. für die Erzeugung von solaren Treibstoffen nutzen kann. Ziel der Forscherinnen und Forscher ist es, eine künstliche Membran...
Jun 1, 2021 | art-science, Creative, News, Synthetic Biology
PRESS RELEASE If you could listen to the DNA in your genes, how would it sound like? This question stood at the beginning of the groundbreaking collaboration between a musical composer and a microbiologist, and the answer to that question is now online and available...
Feb 19, 2021 | announcement, art-science, Creative, News, Publications, science, Science in Society, Synthetic Biology
The art-science booklet “The Art of Antibiotics” about our last residency program is now available in its entirety as a free PDF download. Have a look at the blurb below and, if you want to read more, you can access the full booklet here. “The Art of...
Feb 12, 2021 | announcement, art-science, Creative, News, science, Science in Society, Synthetic Biology
Our installation “Carbon Futures” is now on show at the MSU Broad Art Lab. The installation was initially part of the exhibition “FUTURE PRESENT: Design in a Time of Urgency”, which was created by Science Gallery Detroit and closed a...
Dec 16, 2020 | Film & Video, News, Publications, science, Science in Film, Science in Society, Stories, Synthetic Biology
As part of our last BIO·FICTION on Tour round, we joined a thought-provoking conference organised by the Orient-Institut Istanbul, which gathered interdisciplinary and international perspectives on the topic “Upgrades of Nature, Future Bodies”. Organ being...
Nov 26, 2020 | announcement, art-science, Creative, News, science, Science in Society, Synthetic Biology
We have some exciting news! We collaborated with Museon and produced two new installations for their “One Planet” exhibition. Photo credit: Museon Museon is a family friendly museum of science and culture based in The Hague (the Netherlands). Their permanent...