Real Fiction

Presentations and Discussions about Design Engineering biology sits at the heart of the next technological revolution: genetics, molecular biology, synthetic biology. We have been manipulating nature for hundreds of years, will it be different? What would the everyday...

Synbio Summer School

The upcoming hands-on Summer Course on Synthetic Biology will take place in Madrid this Jun 23-Jul 6. Sponsored by the ST-FLOW Project and the ERASynBio Eranet, the accepted students will be defrayed their registration and accommodation expenses and there will be a...

Ausstellung der Wiener Biokunst

Nature Animée Kunst und Molekularbiologie? Die Bioart Gruppe Pavillon 35 bringt diese Felder zusammen. Lebende Materialien wie Pilze, Bakterien, Samen von Orchideen, Bohnen und Erbsen werden künstlerisch transformiert. Ebenso werden Konzepte aus Anatomie und...