Nov 26, 2020 | announcement, art-science, Creative, News, science, Science in Society, Synthetic Biology
We have some exciting news! We collaborated with Museon and produced two new installations for their “One Planet” exhibition. Photo credit: Museon Museon is a family friendly museum of science and culture based in The Hague (the Netherlands). Their permanent...
Nov 25, 2020 | announcement, event, Events, Science Communication, Science in Society, Serious Games, Synthetic Biology
The EC H2020 funded Bioroboost project on standardisation in synthetic biology hosts an online Roundtable on Synthetic Biology and Education. One of the speakers will be Biofaction’s Markus Schmidt, who will be talking about different tools for education,...
Nov 12, 2020 | announcement, News, science, Science in Society, Synthetic Biology
This past spring, we opened a call for new Artist in Residence programs for MADONNA (2 residencies), NEWCOTIANA and SINFONIA. We received 166 submissions from 43 countries. The quality of the proposals was outstanding, and we were amazed by the exciting ideas of the...
Oct 30, 2020 | announcement, art-science, Creative, News, science, Science in Society, Synthetic Biology
We are very happy to announce that our installation “Carbon Futures” is on display at the Science Gallery Detroit since September 2020. The exhibition “FUTURE PRESENT: Design in a Time of Urgency” deals amongst other things with the impact of...
Oct 12, 2020 | announcement, News, publication, Publications, Synthetic Biology
Biofaction’s Markus Schmidt, together with Nediljko Budisa and Vladimir Kubyshkin, had the opportunity to edit a special collection for ChemBioChem. The special issue is called “Xenobiology: A Journey towards Parallel Life Forms” and it deals, as the title...
May 7, 2020 | announcement, News, publication, Publications, Synthetic Biology
We’ve collaborated on two new open-access papers that we think will provide you with food for thought: The first, titled “The long journey towards standards for engineering biosystems”, featured in EMBO reports, springs out of an ongoing discussion about adopting...