Sep 15, 2021 | announcement, Media, neurotechnology, News, Publications, Science in Society
Berliner Zeitung interviewed Markus Schmidt about Neurotechnology and our ongoing FWF funded project Futurebody. Schmidt shared his views on the future of the human body and explained how humans will continue to merge with technology as well as what kind of...
Jun 1, 2021 | announcement, art-science, Creative, event, Events, Film & Video, neurotechnology, News, science, Science in Society
In April, our BIO·FICTION Science Art Film Festival tour stopped for a whole month with various events in Helsinki, where our long-time partners at Bioart Society hosted a series of events. Due to current circumstances, all planned events were moved online, including...
Mar 8, 2021 | announcement, Media, neurotechnology, News, Publications, Science in Society
Our ongoing FWF funded project Futurebody was featured in the current issue of lookKIT, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology’s Magazine for Research, Teaching and Innovation! The project explores future interactions of humans and machines through the expanding...
Feb 19, 2021 | announcement, art-science, Creative, News, Publications, science, Science in Society, Synthetic Biology
The art-science booklet “The Art of Antibiotics” about our last residency program is now available in its entirety as a free PDF download. Have a look at the blurb below and, if you want to read more, you can access the full booklet here. “The Art of...
Feb 12, 2021 | announcement, art-science, Creative, News, science, Science in Society, Synthetic Biology
Our installation “Carbon Futures” is now on show at the MSU Broad Art Lab. The installation was initially part of the exhibition “FUTURE PRESENT: Design in a Time of Urgency”, which was created by Science Gallery Detroit and closed a...
Dec 1, 2020 | announcement, art-science, Creative, event, Events, Film & Video, neurotechnology, News, science
Our Science Art Film Festival BIO·FICTION is on tour and our next tour stop is Perth! A selection of the neurotech festival films will be screened at the Perth Cultural Centre (Perth, Western Australia) on December 5, 2020 as part of the incredible XR:WA festival....