Sep 5, 2014 | art-science, Publications, Science in Society, Science Policy
The Economist has published an article about Biohackers, discussing its opportunities, risks and connections to entrepreneurship and art. The article is also based on an interview with Biofaction’s Markus Schmidt. “IT LOOKS like an experimental cooking...
Sep 1, 2014 | Events, science
From October 14-16, 2014, a Systems Toxicology Workshop will be organized in Beijing, China, on ” Developing Mechanistic Understanding of Toxicity Pathways and Establishing Predictive Toxicology for Use in Risk Assessments”. The hosts and organizers of...
Aug 21, 2014 | Events, Science Communication, Science in Society
“Life from scratch! Synthetische biology” is the title of the upcoming Science Café Biofaction helped organizing with the Belgium Wetenschapscafé that is going to take place in Gent, Belgium, 26th August 2014. Guests will be Marjan De Mey (Metabolic...
Aug 15, 2014 | Events, science, Science in Society
The Nordic Committee on Bioethics will organize a conference about ethical issues in synthetic biology in Tromso, Norway, August 28, 2014. See program details: Synthetic Biology; Bioethics and Biosafety Thursday August 28th 2014 | The Arctic University...
Aug 15, 2014 | Publications, Science Communication, Serious Games
A high school package produced by Biofaction is now available at the European Schoolnet website, the biggest repository of educational materials in Europe. The package is aimed to teach elements of Biology, Biochemistry and Synthetic Biology to 15-19 years old...