Synthetic Biology Gets Inspiration from the Sea

by Olga Radchuck and Markus Schmidt (Biofaction, Austria) published on June 23, 2015. A solution for the problem of antibiotic resistance, threatening public health, may come from an unexpected source. Marine sponges, for a long time regarded as a source of a...

Unlocking marine biotechnology

By Markus Schmidt published on on 22.06.2015 Although marine organisms are known as a source of bioactive compounds with pharmaceutical applications such as antibiotics, antivirals, analgetics, immunomodulatory-, antitumor-, anti-inflammatory-,...

INTERVIEW Oron Catts/Markus Schmidt

Read below interview that Andi Gracie conducted with Markus Schmidt and Oron Catts about Synthetic Biology during MAKING_Life: What does the term ‘synthetic biology’ mean to you? How is it different from ‘traditional’ bio-engineering? Markus: Of all the definitions...