Jun 25, 2015 | art-science, Uncategorized
Recommended read on Der Tagesspiegel (in German): Der belgische Künstler Tuur Van Balen hat in einer Installation durchgespielt, wie sich Tauben mithilfe von synthetisch umprogrammierten Bakterien im Futter zu Produzenten von biologisch abbaubarer Seife umwandeln...
Jun 25, 2015 | Uncategorized
by Olga Radchuck and Markus Schmidt (Biofaction, Austria) published on plos.org June 23, 2015. A solution for the problem of antibiotic resistance, threatening public health, may come from an unexpected source. Marine sponges, for a long time regarded as a source of a...
May 29, 2015 | Uncategorized
by Stephen Fortune, Andy Gracie, Markus Schmidt, Georg Tremmel Presented during MAKING_Life in Helsinki. Cyanobacteria (S.elongatus PCC 7942), continuous culture device, acrylic, electronics Star Beasts subjects cyanobacteria (‘blue-green algae’) to artificial...
May 29, 2015 | Uncategorized
Read below interview that Andi Gracie conducted with Markus Schmidt and Oron Catts about Synthetic Biology during MAKING_Life: What does the term ‘synthetic biology’ mean to you? How is it different from ‘traditional’ bio-engineering? Markus: Of all the definitions...