May 17, 2018 | Media, News, publication, Publications, science, Science Communication, Uncategorized
A publication by Biofaction’s Markus Schmidt about teamwork in insects and a unique hunting technique in tropical ants that resembles medieval torture racks, got wide media coverage. ★ New Scientist. Ants build a medieval ‘torture rack’ to catch...
May 15, 2018 | announcement, News, project, science, Science Communication, Science in Society, Synthetic Biology
We are happy to let you know about our new project, eForFuel. eForFuel develops an industrial biotechnology solution that uses electricity and microorganisms to convert CO2 into hydrocarbon fuels, thus providing a sustainable replacement of fossil carbons. For...
Feb 26, 2018 | announcement, News, project, Science Communication, Synthetic Biology
We are participating in a new EU-funded project, NEWCOTIANA. It is a research and innovation action that combines several new plant breeding techniques to produce medical and cosmetic products in tobacco plants. Taking advantage of cutting-edge molecular breeding...
Feb 1, 2018 | Creative, Film & Video, Media, News, project, Science Communication, Stories, Synthetic Biology
In this music video produced by Biofaction, MC Grease da Disease, A.K.A. Mycoplasma bovis, is a pathogenic bacteria that causes diseases in cows. Unharmed by even antibiotics, he lives unhindered like a rogue in the cow’s lung, until the researchers of the EC...
Jan 22, 2018 | Classic, Media, News, publication, Science in Society, Synthetic Biology
In a recent guest blog in Nature biotechnology’s Bioentrepreneur Trade Secrets, Markus Schmidt reported about the latest developments in designing novel vaccines. The reprogramming of Mycoplasma bacteria from pathogens to vaccines is only made possible thanks to...